Monday, 11 October 2021


20 / 228,283gt 23,963 teu.She arrived from Algeciras 30/9 and has slow steamed in Lyme Bay

and anchored in the Deepwater Anchorage since then waiting for a berth in Rotterdam.This 

morning she left the Deepwater Anchorage and boarded her deepsea pilot off Brixham.


                                       Pictures taken from the pilotboat 11/10/21.

Saturday, 9 October 2021


19 / 160,874gt 318,676 dwt owned by Olympic Shipping,Greece.She was bound from Hound

Point via Southwold where she did ship to ship transfers with some tankers to Tianjin, China.

She landed her deepsea pilot and took on stores at Brixham today. Pictures taken from

 Berry Head 9/10/21.

                         MTS VALONIA loaded up with 13 pallets of stores heading 

                                            out beyond  Berry Head.

                        MTS VALONIA was alongside unloading for 50 minutes doing 3 - 4 kts. 

                        while OLYMPIC LIFE headed in a  south west direction from 3 miles

                        east of Berry Head.


Friday, 8 October 2021


She is also in the Deepwater Anchorage and is due to board her deepsea pilot for

Emden on Sunday.



In the Deepwater Anchorage as seen from the pilotboat this afternoon.She is due to board

 her deepsea pilot for Rotterdam Sunday afternoon.


                                  This is the last time she will be seen here piloting.This was 

                                  wrong  because she came back here Wed 27th to land her

                                   pilot  and anchored in the Deepwater Anchorage until she is

                                  due in Southampton 10/11.

 She also took on stores, 4 bags of fruit and vegetables and 1 of fish.


21 / 153,150gt 16,010 teu,one of HMM's Nuri Class.She was bound from Yantian to 

Rotterdam on the FE3 Service when she boarded her deepsea pilot at Brixham today.

Pictures taken from the pilotboat MTS Pathfinder 8/10/21. 

Friday, 1 October 2021


 05 / 60,118 gt 5232 cars She is bound from Baltimore to Emden and arrived in Lyme Bay 29/9

 but is not due into Emden until as berth is available and she will board a deepsea pilot here.

She has been slow steaming in Lyme Bay since then and this afternoon she anchored in the

 Deepwater Anchorage.

                                   Picture taken from Berry Head this evening 1/10.


 20 / 228,283gt 23,963 teu.She arrived yesterday in Lyme Bay from Algeciras and is waiting to

 board her deepsea pilot for Rotterdam where she is due Oct 12th.She has been slow steaming in

 Lyme Bay until today when she anchored in the Deepwater Anchorage.

                                     Picture taken from Berry Head this evening 1/10.