Sunday, 31 December 2023


12 / 7227gt She was built as Vectis Isle and renamed in 2021 and now managed by Vectis

Maritime Ltd,UK.She was bound from Rotterdam to New Orleans.

                                                      Babbacombe Downs

                                                             Marine Drive.

 ARISTO 2000 / 6298gt managed by Alpha Shipping Co SIA,Latvia.She was bound

from Ust Luga Anchorage to Jorf  Lasfar,Morocco.


HENNA T 02 / 3177gt Cement Carrier managed by Van Der Kamp Shipsales BV,Holland

She was bound from Vlissingen to Gijon.

                                                 Pictures taken from Marine Drive


WILSON GDYNIA 94 / 2506gt managed by Wilson Eurocarriers AS,Norway.

She was bound from Hamina,Finland to Rochefort.

LADY MARY 08 / 2451gt managed by Bojen,Germany,She was bound from

Antwerp to Setubal.

                                           Pictures taken from Babbacombe Downs


23 / 156,186gt 299,407 dwt She is managed by AET Tankers Pte Ltd,Singapore.There are

4 of these LNG Dual Fuelled VLCC's in the fleet.This one and Eagle Vellore are on long

term charter to Shell.She was new 1/10/2023 and is on her her first visit to N,Europe,she

came from Sidi Kerir and boarded her deepsea pilot here for Rotterdam.She came up but

 her pilot had not arrived so she headed east did a loop and then headed southeast and the

pilotboat then had to catch up with her past the Deep Draft pilot station 5 miles out.

                                                  Pictures taken from Berry Head,


06 / 7903gt managed by Essberger JT,Germany.She was bound from Rotterdam to

Aughinish,Ireland and she is sheltering by slow steaming east of Berry Head.


12 / 3,3816gt 320 trailers She operates on Finnlines Zeebrugge to Rosslare Service

and is slow steam sheltering in Lyme Bay.

                                            Picture taken from Berry Head.


01 / 4112gt managed by Aasen Shipping AS,Norway.She was bound from Terneuzen to Cardiff

 and sheltered in Torbay.

                                              Picture taken from Berry Head.

Saturday, 30 December 2023


04 / 2461gt managed by Boeckmans Belgie NV,Belgium.She was bound 

from Antwerp to Skikda, Algeria when she sheltered in Torbay.

                                               Picture taken from Preston Seafront.


 06 / 10299gt .She is managed by Intresco Ltd-BVI.Malta.She was bound 

from Riga to Venice when she sheltered in the Deepwater Anchorage.

                                              Picture taken from Marine Drive.


10 / 7138gt She is managed by Briese Heavylift,Germany and was

 bound from Sundsvall,Sweden to Villagarcia,Spain.She is sheltering

in the Deepwater Anchorage.

                                               Picture taken from Marine Drive.


05 / 38,680 gt 4650 cars.She was bound from Setubal to Vlissingen when she

 sheltered near the Deepwater Anchorage by slow steaming at 1-2 kts.

                                              Picture taken from Marine Drive.


11 / 7988gt managed by Intresco BV, Malta.She was bound from Dunkirk

to Sagunto when she sheltered in the Deepwater Anchorage.

                                                   Picture taken from Marine Drive.


22 / 2518gt managed by Blue Fin Shipping,Germany.She had come from Amsterdam

and anchored in Babbacombe Bay while waiting to berth in Teignmouth on this evening's

high tide.

                                             Picture taken from Babbacombe Downs.

Friday, 29 December 2023


                                            She wasted 20 mins and is now turning at the right time.

                                   Now doing 6 kts and at 130 degrees she finally lands the pilot.


                                                  She lined back up with the pilotboat and

                                                waited for the order to turn to 130 degrees


23 / 236,500gt 24,136 teu .She is on the FE3 Service and was bound from Southampton

to Algeciras when she had to call at Brixham today to land an overcarried Southampton

port pilot.Things didn't go the way the captain planned it as seen in this set of shots.All

the pictures taken from Berry Head 29/12.

                                            She is coming out of a squall but has turned early.

                                       The pilotboat didn't like it and told her off for turning

                                              early but told her to turn Westwards.She didn't

                                            and turned Eastwards and went around in a circle.

Thursday, 28 December 2023


06 / 107,711gt 9415 teu.She operates on the Trans Atlantic Express ( TAE ) Service and

 came from Charleston.She went as far as the Nab yesterday then came back to Brixham

 this morning and boarded a deepsea pilot and is due into Southampton this evening.Her

 next port is Antwerp.The wind at Berry Head was 35 mph with 46 mph gusts.

                                            Pictures taken from Berry Head.

 ARAMIS 18 / 3415gt managed by Briese Chartering,Germany.She was bound from 

Porsgrunn,Norway to Aliaga when she sheltered in Torbay.

                                           Picture taken from Berry Head


ANMIRO 09 / 2451gt managed by Briese, Germany.She was bound from Brake 

to Bermeo,Spain.

GT CETUS 04 / 2545gt managed by GTS Shipping SIA,Latvia. She was bound from

Ostermoor,Germany to Drogheda.

                                             Pictures taken from Berry Head.


 CIMIL 10 / 3308gt managed by Besiktas Likid Tasimacilik,Turkey.She was bound 

from Rotterdam to Foynes when she sheltered in Babbacombe Bay.

                                            Picture taken from Babbacombe Downs.

 W WEST 08 / 5713gt owwned by W Tankers Ltd,Malta and managed by Borealis

Tanker Kiralama AS Turkey.She was bound from Antwerp to San Ciprian,Spain when

she sheltered in Babbacombe Bay.

                                            Picture taken from Babbacombe Downs.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023


12 / 5198gt managed by Amasus Support BV, Holland.She is seen approaching Torbay

to anchor en route from Ijmuiden to Thisvi,Greece.Her deck cargo is 2 extendable

arm cranes.

                                            Pictures taken Berry Head  26 /12.


12 / 88,586gt 8000 teu .She was originally a CSAV ship but became part of the Hapag Lloyd

fleet in 2016.She was bound from Hamburg to New York when she landed her deepsea pilot at

Brixham this morning. 

                                            Picture taken from Berry Head 26/12.

Saturday, 23 December 2023


18 / 114,084gt 174,000 cubic mtrs, 89,432 dwt. She is owned by NYK and

chartered to Mitsui & Co Ltd for use on the 25 year Cameron LNG Project.

She was bound from Lake Charles when she boarded her deepsea pilot at

 Brixham this afternoon.She has been to Western Europe before but this is the

 first time she has called here.Her destination was Brunsbuttel and now she is

heading back to Brixham arriving Friday 0200.

                                           Pictures taken from Berry Head 23/12.




12 / 2544gt managed by Wijnne and Barends,Holland.She was bound from Portland 

to Waterford when she sheltered in Torbay at 1338 today.

                                            Picture taken from Berry Head.

Friday, 22 December 2023


19 / 50,443gt 400 trailers owned by CLDN,Luxembourg. She is bound from 

Rozenburg to Leixoes,Portugal and is slow steam sheltering in Lyme Bay.

Here she is 6 miles from Marine Drive doing 2 kts.

Thursday, 21 December 2023


                                            Pictures taken from Preston Seafront.


95 / 8498gt Ex Emmagracht 13. She is managed by Nunavut Eastern Arctic

Shipping,Canada.She is equipped with 3 x 60 ton cranes and has deck cargo

of 7 x Sunseeker Luxury Yachts which were loaded at Southampton and 1 x

Sailing Yacht.She was bound for Gibraltar when she anchored in Torbay last

night at 2020.

                                             From  Waterside
                                            From  Daddyhole Plain


PRIDE 02 / 2061gt managed by Briese,Germany.She was bound from Ijmuiden to 

Rochefort when she anchored yesterday.


 Picture taken from Marine Drive


ZAPADNYY 88 / 1896gt a molasses tanker managed by PE Veliero,Ukraine.

She was bound from Felixstowe to Silloth when she anchored last night.


CLARITY   11 / 2545gt Ex Calypso 22 owned by Faversham Ships Ltd,UK.

She was bound from Ijmuiden to Waterford when she anchored last night.

                                            Pictures taken from Babbacombe Downs 21/12.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023


08 / 58,418gt 104,215 dwt and managed by Olympic Shipping and Management,Greece.

She was bound from Ust Luga to Port Said when she landed her deepsea pilot at Brixham


                                            Pictures taken from Berry Head 20/12.

Saturday, 16 December 2023


15 / 5460gt.She is owned by Amasus and chartered to Star Class Yacht Transport.

She is equipped with 2 x 150 ton cranes and loaded the Sunseeker at Southampton

 and maybe the catamaran at the stern.She arrived in Torbay to shelter early this

 morning 12/12 and is bound for Imperia,Italy.Extra info,the catamaran is a

 Sunreef 50 and was loaded at Gdansk.

                                            Picture taken from Waterside 12/12.
                                            Picture taken from Paignton Seafront 12/12.