Sunday, 26 September 2021

 2 HMM'S

The 2 HMM's in the Deepwater Anchorage are Right - OSLO and Left - ST PETERSBURG.

Maybe HMM COPENHAGEN will join them, she could arrive here 30 Sept and is due in

Rotterdam 11 Oct.

Behind ST PETERSBURG's funnel Queen Victoria is seen heading east for a wander.

                                    ARCADIA leaving Torbay this afternoon for a wander.

                                            Pictures taken from Marine Drive 26/9.


11 / 855gt motor assisted yacht owned by Greenpeace.She is the first purpose built ship for them

with 2 x 55 m bipod masts that carry 4 sails and she has 1 x diesel electric back up motor.

She is one of the greenest ships afloat and accomodates 30 people.She came from Plymouth

and anchored in Babbacombe Bay 0330 this morning.


                                        Pictures taken from Marine Drive 26/9.

Sunday, 19 September 2021


                                                      HMM ST PETERSBURG                                                 

                                                                  HMM OSLO
  The theoretical total capacity of the 3 ships is 71,603 x 20 foot containers,if placed end to end

  they would be 270 miles long.

 3 HMM'S IN THE DEEPWATER ANCHORAGE taken from Bishop's Walk 19/9.

                              L- HMM LE HAVE,  CENTRE HMM ST PETERSBURG

                                                                   R- HMM OSLO

                                                                    HMM LE HAVRE

Saturday, 18 September 2021

 3  HMM'S IN THE DEEPWATER ANCHORAGE taken from Marine Drive.18/9.

                               L-HMM LE HAVRE,  CENTRE HMM ST PETERSBURG

                                                                   R- HMM OSLO

 3 HMM'S IN THE DEEPWATER ANCHORAGE taken from Berry Head 18/9.

                       L-HMM OSLO,   CENTRE IN FOG BANK HMM LE HAVRE

                                             R-HMM ST PETERSBURG


20 / 232,311gt 23,820 teu.She is on the FE4 Service and had come from Algeciras and was

 passing Berry Head this morning 2 miles out on her way into the Deepwater Anchorage 

where she will stay until a berth in Rotterdam is available on 7th of October She will

 probably board her deepsea pilot on the 5th or 6th October


Friday, 17 September 2021


99 / 9033 tons full load.She was the last built of the Flight II Class Arleigh Burke Destroyers

and was coming back into Devonport from her FOST Training 17/9.

                                       Pictures taken from Jennycliffe.


82 / 2385gt Polish Training Ship.She arrived in Plymouth Sound on Wednesday for a 5 day stay.

She was on her way from Gdynia to Falmouth to take part in The Falmouth Tall Ships 2021 but it

was cancelled and she had nowhere to go so asked for permission to anchor in the Sound.

On board are 122 Polish Maritime University Students.

                                         Picture taken from Jennycliffe 17/9.


19 / 11826gt owned by Thun Tamkers,Sweden.She had arrived at Cattedown from

 Milford Haven.

                                           Picture taken from Mountbatten 17/9.


09 / 98,747gt 9040 teu Ex HAMMERSMITH BRIDGE -19.She was bound from Le Havre

to Singapore on the FP1 Service when she landed her deepsea pilot at Brixham today 17/9.

                                        Picture taken from Berry Head.

From here it was a run down to Plymouth for USN Porter coming in.


                                      L- HMM OSLO   R- HMM LE HAVRE


05 / 58,631gt 5214 cars She was bound from Bremerhaven to Bayonne,New Jersey when

she landed her deepsea pilot at Brixham yesterday 16/9.

                                            Picture taken from Marine Drive.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021


20 / 235,560gt 23,820 teu.She is bound from Algeciras to Rotterdam on the FE4 Service.

She anchored this morning in the Deepwater Anchorage to await her berth in Rotterdam

which is not until the 1st of October.

                                     Picture taken from Marine Drive this evening 14/9.

Sunday, 12 September 2021


15 / 64,697gt 7300 cars She loaded at Yenikoy Port,Turkey which is Ford Otosan's own port.

and is bound for Tilbury.She arrived in the Deepwater Anchorage yesterday and is waiting to

board her deepsea pilot on Tuesday.

                                      Picture taken from Marine Drive this evening 12/9.


 17 / 145,407gt 14,026 teu.Ex NYK SWAN 21 She was bound from Colombo to Rotterdam

on the FP2 Service  when she boarded her deepsea pilot at Brixham yesterday.She had been

 repainted and renamed earlier this year.

                                        Pictures taken from the pilotboat 11/9.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

                                                                  HMM HELSINKI

                                                                  HMM LE HAVRE

 2 HMM'S

Today the weather was better for photos.This is the first time 2 Ultra Large Containerships

have anchored in the Deepwater Anchorage.9/9.


                                         L - HMM LE HAVRE   R- HMM HELSINKI


98 / 36593gt 3027 cars She was bound from Zeebrugge to Port Said when she landed

 her deepsea pilot at Brixham and then proceeded up into Babbacombe Bay to anchor

 for 6 hours and is seen passing Marine Drive when she left.


HMM HELSINKI arrived from Algeciras 5/9 to await her berth in Rotterdam and is going to

board her deepsea pilot Sat 11/9.

HMM LE HAVRE arrived yesterday from Algeciras to await her berth in Rotterdam and is

due to board her deepsea pilot Mon 20/9.

                                      L - HMM LE HAVRE  R- HMM HELSINKI

                                       Picture taken 8/9 from Marine Drive

Tuesday, 7 September 2021


95 / 72,458gt 1924 pass.She is cruising out of  Newcastle and is on a 14 night Round Britain

Cruise.She arrived in Torbay this morning from Belfast and left this evening for Le Havre.

This picture was taken from Marine Drive as she had to hoist the last 2 tenders aboard before

raising her anchor and being piloted out of the Bay.

                                   Meadfoot Beach - passing Brixham on way out


12 / 59,307gt 5605 teu.She is on charter from the Schulte Group,Germany and was bound

from Hamburg to Veracruz when  she landed her deepsea pilot this evening.

                                          Picture taken from Marine Drive 7/9.


20 / 228,283gt 23,963 teu.She was en route from Algeciras to Rotterdam on the FE4 Service and

anchored 5/9 in the Deepwater Anchorage to kill time until her berth in Rotterdam is available.

She will board her deepsea pilot on Sat 11/9.

                                        Picture taken from Marine Drive 7/9.

Monday, 6 September 2021


 05 / 30,020gt managed by Sun Enterprises Ltd, Greece.She was bound from Amsterdam to

Halifax when she landed her deepsea pilot at Brixham today.

                                             Picture taken from the pilotboat 6/9.