Sunday, 12 September 2021


 17 / 145,407gt 14,026 teu.Ex NYK SWAN 21 She was bound from Colombo to Rotterdam

on the FP2 Service  when she boarded her deepsea pilot at Brixham yesterday.She had been

 repainted and renamed earlier this year.

                                        Pictures taken from the pilotboat 11/9.


  1. Really enjoy seeing your
    photographs and often check in to your website to look at ships in the anchorage and especially the reasons for their visit. We watch all the activity from over here in Dawlish. Adam

  2. Thanks Adam,I don't receive many comments so it's appreciated when people take the trouble to write one. Rodge

  3. Captured you heading out on the back of the pilot boat from Berry Head, Some great photos again. Strange how this is her first time here after being renamed and repainted as last time I seem to remember her going straight up without one
